There are two main kinds of hair transplant procedures. Potential patients can undergo either an FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Depending on your specific situation, your hair transplant doctor may not recommend FUE and may instead recommend an FUT procedure. But what else should you know about the differences as well as the pros and cons of both procedures?
At Regen LA in Redondo Beach, our renowned hair transplant surgeon specializes in both FUT and FUE hair transplants.
Pros of FUE Procedures
There are many advantages worth nothing for FUE procedures:
- Faster Healing Time – The donor area made by small holes created through the FUE; heal in a shorter window of time compared to an FUT transplant.
- No Linear Scar in Donor Area: The degree to which this matters depend on the individual. Those who have a history of keloids and/or thickened or stretched scars will find this to be a more favorable option than FUT. Individuals who wear their hair short will also find that the scar is more visible with FUT than FUE procedures.
- Less Discomfort Following Procedure: FUE procedures result in virtually no pain or discomfort afterward.
- Preferred for Patients with Greater Risk of Donor Scarring: This includes younger and muscular/athletic patients as well as those with very tight or loose scalps, or patients with a history of keloid scarring or poor healing.
- Strenuous Exercise and Active Lifestyle Allowed Immediately After: Following an FUT procedure, the doctor will generally advise the patient to completely cease or severely limit exercise due to the fact that it may increase the size of the donor scar. Because the small holes created during the FUE procedure do not widen and heal quickly, there is no risk of this occurring.
- May Be Used for Harvesting Non-Scalp Hair: Beard or body hair transplants can be done with FUE procedures.
- Finer Hair May Be Harvested: An example is from the nape of the neck, such as for use in the eyebrows or hairline.
- Can Correct Scarring From FUT Procedure: Some FUE procedures are follow-ups to FUT procedures to cover up scarring if it occurs.
- Can Be Performed if the Scalp is Too Tight for FUT Procedure: This often occurs when a patient has undergone multiple FUT procedures. This leaves them unable to perform another FUT procedure and may instead choose an FUE procedure.
There are many advantages to choosing FUE over FUT, but there are also disadvantages.
Cons of FUE Procedures
While the advantages inspire many individuals to choose FUE, the disadvantages may outweigh the advantages for some individuals. Your hair transplant doctor can help you decide. Some disadvantages include:
- More Expensive: FUE procedures are more expensive due to the fact that they take more time to perform for a hair transplant surgeon and require more expensive machinery for robots (Regen LA does NOT utilize robots and instead uses a specially trained staff and surgeon).
- FUT Has a Stronger Graft Quality: There is a greater rate of follicular transection (graft damage) for FUE procedures. Sometimes the grafts are lower density and are more fragile.
- Subsequent FUE Procedures Cause Additional Scarring and minimize donor density: Regardless of how many FUT procedures you perform, you will only ever have one scar whereas FUE procedures increase scarring each time.
- Shaving is Necessary for Large Transplant Sessions: It may take some time for the donor hair to grow in and camouflage this effect.
- Maximum Follicular Unit Graft Yield can be lower than with FUT: fewer grafts may mean less of an improvement than with FUT in some situations. Subsequent FUE sessions are also more difficult due to the scarring and distortion of the donor scalp.
- Sub-Optimal Growth May Occur: This is due to the increased amount of time FUE grafts are outside of the body.
- More Than One Session is Often Needed: This is due to the fact that the extraction process is slower than strip harvesting. FUE procedures generally take place over one or two days and longer for more extensive work.
- Both FUE and FUT Procedures May Eventually Reveal Scarring: Long term, eventually scarring may begin to slightly appear. If the punches are too large, small round dots for FUE, a line strip for FUT.
The best way to decide between an FUE and FUT procedure is to consult with your hair transplant doctor. Regen LA offers free in-office & virtual consultations and is happy to speak with you today!
Choose Regen LA for Your Next Hair Transplant
If you suffer from male pattern baldness, thinning hair, patchy baldness, alopecia, or a receding hairline, the team at Regen LA in Redondo Beach is ready to take your call. At Regen LA, you will learn about the options that we offer. Furthermore, you’ll learn about the various methods we use to get your hair back. Additionally, you’ll discover that Regen LA offers the best prices on hair transplants in the Los Angeles area.
Regen LA is number one in hair transplant procedures and hair restoring technology such as Laser Cap Me. We provide the best quality hair transplant and, in virtually all cases, we’re the best priced. For a free consultation regarding your options, contact us today at (310) 281-6160.
We Take Pride in Our Work
If you’re one of the 80 million Americans suffering from hair loss, the regenerative medical team at Regen LA suggests learning as much as possible about hair restoration prior to making a decision on how to address your hair loss. Not every procedure is right for everyone.
That’s why at Regen LA in Redondo Beach, we help our patients choose the best procedure for them. It’s important to thoroughly research your hair restoration doctor before having the procedure performed. Not all doctors are equal and not all are as skilled, focused, or dedicated to performing hair transplant procedures. For your benefit, ask to see “Before & After” photos.
At Regen LA, we’re proud of our results and happy to provide them HERE. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to look into the patient experience. View testimonials from Regen LA’s vast assortment of satisfied clients HERE.
Your Hair Loss Solution
Regen LA
1970 S. Prospect Ave., Suite 2
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 281-6160